Correspondent Anupam Pal Kailashahar, The Annual Sports Day of PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya Kailashahar was celebrated today (13th December) with great enthusiasm. Students participated in the event held in the school premises with immense zeal and energy.
The event commenced with a ceremonial lighting of the lamp, which was conducted by the Principal-in-charge, Twinkle Majumdar, Head of the Physical Education Department at Dharmanagar Degree College, Ankan Sinha, Senior Teacher S.L. Mehera, and the school’s Physical Education Teacher, Meenakshi Saini.
The Principal-in-charge, Twinkle Majumdar, delivered the welcome address at the beginning of the program. In her speech, she highlighted the importance of sports in fostering discipline and holistic development among the students.
Students showcased their talents and athletic skills by participating in various events, including races, long jump, relay races, and team sports. These competitions played a crucial role in building teamwork and determination among the participants.
Following the sports competitions, a prize distribution ceremony will be organized to honor the winners, as informed by the school authorities. Medals and certificates will be awarded to the winners at the conclusion of the event.
The school authorities expressed hope that this event would play a significant role in the mental and physical development of the students.