United Tripura Correspondent Anupam Pal :Two panchayats of Tripura Gournagar Block under Kailashahar Subdivision of Unakoti District were ceremonially handed over garbage collection vehicles today as part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The vehicles were handed over at a brief event held in the block premises, attended by Gournagar Block BDO Pranoy Das, Panchayat Samiti Chairman Laxmi Nama, and Vice Chairman Badruzzaman. The vehicles were officially handed over to the Secretary of the Kaulikura Gram Panchayat by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Panchayat Samiti along with the BDO of the block.
It has been reported that three garbage collection vehicles have been allocated for Gournagar Block under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Two of these vehicles have already been distributed to the respective panchayats, while the third will be handed over to another panchayat shortly.
Badruzzaman stated that these vehicles will be used to collect garbage from various areas and markets within the panchayat and dispose of it at designated locations. He emphasized that these vehicles will play a crucial role in keeping the panchayat areas clean and hygienic. There are plans to allocate one vehicle to each panchayat in the block in the future. He further mentioned that this initiative is part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and aims to enhance environmental protection and public health within the panchayats.
Those present at the event expressed hope that this project will help make the panchayats of Gournagar Block more organized and environmentally friendly. It is expected to send a positive message to the local population and raise awareness about environmental conservation.